Sample Work Order for Major Repairs of a Co-operative Housing Society

Date: 5th April 2023

Work Order

Surve Constructions
Shop No. 100, Maruti Tower,
Building No. 12, Goregaon (E).

Sub: Proposed Major Repairs of the Building AVANISH SCAPES CHSL

Ref: Quotation dated 16/02/2023

With reference to the quotation dated 16/02/2023 you had submitted for the above mentioned subject, we are pleased to inform you that we have decided to award you the contract for the proposed repair work of our society building under the following conditions.

  1. The final rates will be as per the quotation attached along with work order.
  2. You shall execute the work as per the details, specifications and terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document and as per the instructions of the society & site engineer (Appointed by the society).
  3. This is an item-rate measurement contract. Billing and payment shall be done as per actual measurements at site.
  4. Work shall be started on 6th April 2023
  5. You shall complete the entire work of the repairs & painting to the building within 90 days (before monsoon 2 months for repair & after monsoon 1 month for painting).
  6. Ready mix plaster of ACC Suraksha shall be used for plastering work.
  7. You shall give a Warranty of 5 years for the work carried out by you. In case of any defect appearing in the work carried out by you during this period, the same shall be rectified by you at your cost.
  8. 5% of the bill amount will be retained from your bills. Retention amount will be refunded Two year after virtual completion of work, subject to satisfactory report.
  9. The safety of the laborer’s working at site will be the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor should take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the laborer’s at site during the work. Workmen’s’ Compensation Policy and third-party insurance policy shall be taken by you at your cost and lodged with the Society before commencement of any work at site.
  10. The Contractor has to cover his entire work force under all relevant Insurance requirements (Workers’ Compensation Policy and third-Party Liability)
  11. The Contractor guarantees to start a day’s work or go ahead with the work during the day only in the presence of mentioned supervisor.
  12. The Society shall deduct applicable T.D.S. from the Contractor’s running/final bills for which T.D.S. certificates shall be issued to the Contractor.
  13. Society shall give one Electric point at a convenient place free of cost. Procurement of water will be Society’s responsibility & storage of water will be contractor’s.
  14. Safety of materials, machinery, tools etc brought at site, shall be solely Contractor’s responsibility. You shall stack/store the materials only at pre-designated areas approved by the Society.
  15. The Contractor shall regularly lift all the scrap materials, debris etc. away from the building premises at his own expense, making arrangement regularly during the said Repair & Rehabilitation Project activity.
  16. For additional/ extra work contractor should take permission from society.
  17. Contractor should use plastic covering/ tadpatri for covering the window opening.
  18. Contractor should inform society members/ engineer-in charge before marking & breaking the plaster and while taking measurements of the work done.
  19. Technical Specifications: The brand / company of chemicals and materials to be brought at site shall be as follows:
    The quality of materials shall confirm to relevant Indian Standards and from the following nominated manufacturers.
    a) Plaster: Ready mix plaster of ACC Suraksha
    b) Cement: Ultratech, ACC conforming to IS 269 Grade 43/PPC.
    c) Sand: River Sand complying to IS 383 – 1970.
    d) Construction Chemicals:
    ➢ Ready mix Polymer -Dr. Fixit.
    ➢ Micro concreting – Dr. Fixit.
    ➢ Membrane coating – Sunanda Specialty Coatings Pvt. Ltd.,
    ➢ Water proof plaster – Dr. Fixit.
    e) Stirrer machine shall be used for mixing micro concrete.
    f) Proper curing shall be done for external plaster.
    g) The procedure and specifications for all items of works, materials and chemicals shall be strictly followed.
  20. Support System shall be as follows: Repairs to all R.C.C. structures viz. columns, beams, slabs, chajjas must be preceded with a proper support system. This structural support system is to be provided. Necessary suitable propping is required to be provided to ensure/release of loads on the treated members.
    While repairing the columns, beams, slabs etc the contractor will have to prop all or individual slabs/beams contributing the load to the columns as per the advice of the consultants. Contractor shall have to use steel props.
  21. The Contractor shall undertake to complete the work within the prescribed period of 90 days (before monsoon 2 months & after monsoon 1 month); in case the Contractor fails to complete the contract in this time period, they shall pay Rs.2000/- per day as penalty.
  22. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Society to the Contractor the Contractor hereby covenants with Society to repair/construction, complete and maintain the works in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the contract.
  23. The Society hereby covenants to pay to the Contractor in consideration of the repair/construction, completion and maintenance of the work at the contract price at the times and in manner prescribed by the contract.
  24. The Society shall be at liberty and right to terminate the Contract if any of the terms and conditions given in the work order is breached during the subsistence of this agreement, serving 7 days’ notice to rectify, failing which Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated after the expiry of the period of Notice.
    In the event of termination of this agreement, the Contractor shall remove the idle assets, scrap materials and debris within 2 weeks of termination failing which the Society shall exercise their right to remove them at the cost of the Contractor and shall have the powers to award the Contract to a new Contractor to complete the project without further Notice. In case of termination of work for reasons attributable to the Contractor, the materials/machinery belonging to the Contractor will be released only after settlement of the final accounts of payments made and work done. Retention will be released only if due after settlement of final bills.
  25. The photos of site progress, materials, challans and bills shall be sent in WhatsApp group of site engineer and society as soon as it is received at site.
    We expect your whole-hearted co-operation and full involvement in the project for timely completion and quality work.

Kindly sign on the duplicate copy of this letter as the token of your acceptance.
Thanking you,

Yours Truly,

(Chairman) (Secretary) (Treasurer)

Acknowledgement of Contractor

I, the undersigned accept all the above-mentioned terms and conditions.
Signature of Contractor with Company stamp and address: